Thumper bambi poses reference
Thumper bambi poses reference

thumper bambi poses reference

The Terminator: The beginning of the level Pigsty is a recreation of the police station shootout in The Terminator.Die Hard : On a desk in the police station on the level “Pigsty”, a sign with the name “ J.They Live : Duke's line "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum." is a slightly altered version of the line from a bank scene in the movie They Live.Upon approach, Duke Nukem even says “ Terminated!” to fulfill the reference. The Terminator : On the secret level “Freeway”, a broken Terminator can be seen lying under a pressure plate.When entering the cave, Duke Nukem says: “ We meet again, Doctor Jones!” Indiana Jones : On the level “Hotel Hell”, a secret cave with a dead Indiana Jones can be found.Both names are those of films in which Arnold Schwarzenegger acted. Commando / Predator: The CAR-15 Commando is recognized as the 'Commando' in-game, and when using the Pack-a-Punch machine in Nazi Zombies, it becomes the 'Predator'.In the film, the executioner merely reloads and shoots the surrendering hostile. When he empties his Tokarev TT-33 magazine, he slits the last soldier's throat. The Pianist: During the mission 'Project Nova', Kravchenko can be seen executing surrendering German soldiers.This is very similar to a scene in Tom Hanks' film. Forrest Gump: During the mission 'S.O.G', Huey helicopters land at the opening, with 'Fortunate Son' by Creedence Clearwater Revival playing.Even the flip-cocking action of the gun references Arnold Schwarzenegger's character. The Terminator: During the mission 'Vorkuta', Step 8 (freedom) involves riding a motorcycle and firing a Winchester Model 1887 with one hand while controlling the bike.The only difference is that Makarov attacks an airport Korshunov attacks an aircraft.

thumper bambi poses reference

Both men are ex-members of the Soviet bloc, wear dark colored suits with kevlar vests over them, and wield M4 Carbine rifles. Air Force One: The character of Vladimir Makarov appears to be heavily based upon Ivan Korshunov in the film.The film 'Turistas' follows different characters who find themselves trapped in Brazil. Turistas: Like Red Dawn, Turistas is a reference to a film of the same name.Red Dawn: The achievement 'Red Dawn' in-game is a direct reference to the film of the same name.This is a reference to the Decepticon 'Blackout' in the 2007 Transformers film, which takes the form of a Pave Low helicopter during the film. Transformers: In online play, you can unlock a Pave Low title with the word 'Transformer' written on it.The Dark Knight: In the opening cutscene for DNA Sequence 11, Rosa will ask Ezio "Why so serious?", aping the infamous line of Heath Ledger's Joker from Christopher Nolan's film.Ĭall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Korshunov, portrayed by Gary Oldman, readies his M4 Carbine.The Lord of the Rings: In episode 5, Barry wears a head lamp and says it's like "the flaming eye of Mordor.".The Deathstar will destroy some of the buildings. After this, a Deathstar appears, and attacks some of the player's buildings. Star Wars: If you enter multiple cheats in the game, a dialog box will appear saying "I feel a disturbance in the Force".The Indiana Jones font is called "SF Fedora", and is even styled in the same manner as the film in the game. Additionally, the first few notes of the theme tune are extremely similar to the Indiana Jones the me. Indiana Jones : The title screen for the game has "A Boy and His Blob" written in the same type face as Indiana Jones is written.This is, of course, due to the fact that it is one of the most well known film series of all time. One of the most commonly referenced film series in any game is Star Wars.

thumper bambi poses reference

and occasionally, to films that inspired the games.

thumper bambi poses reference

Regardless, they are intended to be fun homages to films. Some of these references can be extremely obvious, and some can be downright confusing. Movie References in games are where a game acknowledges a film, or makes a direct play on the film.

Thumper bambi poses reference